Umiejętności potwierdzane mikropoświadczeniami - kandydaci do pracy czekają na rozmowę rekrutacyjną, siedząc na krzesłach, odwrócony tyłem mężczyzna wskazuje dłonią młodą kobietę.

First and foremost: competences 

Days when our future career was determined solely by a school or university diploma are long gone. Today, specific skills – what we can actually do – are crucial. Competences, which are not usually described in diplomas or CVs, are becoming more and more valuable. Microcredentials that might document our unique abilities are key here.  […]
Read more: First and foremost: competences 
Mikropoświadczenia - zespół zadania drugiego: Ziemowit Socha, Marcin Młynarczyk, Wojciech Jaślar, Beata Sulima, Martyna Leciejewicz, Anna Głowacka, Niki Derlukiewicz.

Standardised description and first microcredentials. Now in Odznaka+ app

The creation of microcredentials for the Odznaka+ application marks the completion of the first phase of the Educational Research Institute’s microcredentials pilot project. We talk to Martyna Leciejewicz, the key expert responsible for conducting the project, about the goals of this project, achievements so far and plans for the next phases. The first stage […]
Read more: Standardised description and first microcredentials. Now in Odznaka+ app
Uczenie się osób starszych - dwoje starszych osób siedzących na kanapie i korzystających z nowych technologii.

Too late to learn? Never! 

Until over a decade ago, learning for seniors was not a widely discussed topic. Elderly students or high school graduates were perceived as interesting but rare cases. Although worth mentioning, such people were not significant pedagogical objects of attention. It was only some time ago in Poland that it was noticed that adults and the […]
Read more: Too late to learn? Never!