What are microcredentials?

A microcredential is a document that proves skills in a specific area, achieved with little effort and based on established standards. Microcredential are usually collected and made available in digital form. Their use is a response to changing learning methods and labor market requirements.

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Mikropoświadczenia - grafika przedstawiająca nowoczesne CV składające się z różnych dowodów posiadania konkretnych umiejętności.

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Umiejętności przyszłości - młody chłopak ze słuchawkami na szyi pracujący na laptopie w swoim pokoju.

The future is digital

In 2023, only 44.3% of Poles had basic or higher digital skills. Meanwhile, according to the World Economic Forum’s ‘The Future of Jobs Report 2025’, by 2030 as many as 39% of workers will need to reorganise themselves to adapt to changes in the labour market related to the development of new technologies. This means […]
Read more: The future is digital
Grupa doradcza ds. Mikropoświadczeń - spotkanie. Dr Wojciech Gola i Martyna Leciejewicz, eksperci IBE, siedzą przy stole, przed sobą mają laptopy i mikrofony. Za nimi tło z logo projektu dotyczącego Mikropoświadczeń.

Direction: the quality of microcredentials

The microcredential project’s first pilot phase is now complete, and the second one has started. On the basis of a description standard proposal that was developed and implemented, the first microcredentials were issued in the Odznaka+ application. The project’s experts must now develop a quality assurance standard for microcredentials. Its fundamental importance was discussed on […]
Read more: Direction: the quality of microcredentials
Grupa doradcza ds. Mikropoświadczeń - spotkanie. Dr Wojciech Gola i Martyna Leciejewicz, eksperci IBE, siedzą przy stole, przed sobą mają laptopy i mikrofony. Za nimi tło z logo projektu dotyczącego Mikropoświadczeń.

Direction: the quality of microcredentials

The microcredential project’s first pilot phase is now complete, and the second one has started. On the basis of a description standard proposal that was developed and implemented, the first microcredentials were issued in the Odznaka+ application. The project’s experts must now develop a quality assurance standard for microcredentials. Its fundamental importance was discussed on […]
Read more: Direction: the quality of microcredentials
Odznaka+ - dane klasy odznaki Architekt Open Badge poziom podstawowych. Z lewej strony ekranu graficzna reprezentacja odznaki, poniżej przycisk "przyjmij odznakę". Z prawej strony ekranu opis odznaki, kryteria jej otrzymania, tagi oraz ułatwienia dostępności.

Odznaka+ application

Odznaka+ is an application for issuing, collecting, storing and sharing digital badges and equivalent PDF certificates. It allows users to digitally certify different types of skills and achievements. The Odznaka+ App is available through a web browser for all users, and a mobile app for individual users.

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