- About the project
- Accessibility
- Blog
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- Declaration of accessibility
- Microcredentials
- Odznaka+
- Sitemap
- What are microcredentials?
- Microcredentials are not a shortcut
- The future is digital
- Direction: the quality of microcredentials
- Direction: the quality of microcredentials
- Odznaka+. A Polish take on digital credentials
- First and foremost: competences
- Standardised description and first microcredentials. Now in Odznaka+ app
- Too late to learn? Never!
- Microcredential will become the word of the year
- Microcredentials will be available to all
- We are building a Polish standard for microcredentials
- Passion, determination and… lifelong learning
- Ten atypical ways for everyone to learn
- Microcredentials for students
- In search of specialists. In which professions is it easiest to find a job in Poland?
- Paths can vary, but continuous development is for everyone
- Everything you always wanted to know about the benefits of microcredentials
- Lifelong Learning after 50. Jobs within reach of microcredentials
- Poland’s road to microcredentials. We are examining how to pave it!
- Microcredentials and the labor market – a solution for everyone?
- Microcredentials – a tool that supports continuous development
- Microcredentials at Polish universities – are we ready for this?
- Microcredentials – a response of education to labour market needs