What are microcredentials?

A microcredential is a document that proves skills in a specific area, achieved with little effort and based on established standards. Microcredential are usually collected and made available in digital form. Their use is a response to changing learning methods and labor market requirements.

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Mikropoświadczenia - grafika przedstawiająca nowoczesne CV składające się z różnych dowodów posiadania konkretnych umiejętności.

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Mikropoświadczenia staną się dostępne dla wszystkich. Michał Nowakowski przemawia na scenie, w tle grafiki odznak cyfrowych

Microcredentials will be available to all

McKinsey, a global management consulting firm, predicts that up to 375 million workers worldwide must acquire new skills or upgrade existing ones by 2030. The European job market has undergone significant changes, and social and technical transformations have led to the demand for more agile forms of education and more opportunities for lifelong learning to […]
Read more: Microcredentials will be available to all
Grupa Doradcza ds. Mikropoświadczeń - spotkanie. Michał Nowakowski przemawia, w tle ekrany z nazwą projektu, z przodu uczestnicy spotkania

We are building a Polish standard for microcredentials

The implementation of microcredentials in Poland requires a lot of advanced work to be done in parallel on every aspect of the issue. Providing opinions on the established standards and recommendations for the use of microcredentials, discussing solutions related to their design, description, issuance and assurance, as well as exchanging experiences and sharing knowledge – […]
Read more: We are building a Polish standard for microcredentials
Odznaka+ - dane klasy odznaki Architekt Open Badge poziom podstawowych. Z lewej strony ekranu graficzna reprezentacja odznaki, poniżej przycisk "przyjmij odznakę". Z prawej strony ekranu opis odznaki, kryteria jej otrzymania, tagi oraz ułatwienia dostępności.

Odznaka+ application

Odznaka+ is an application for issuing, collecting, storing and sharing digital badges and equivalent PDF certificates. It allows users to digitally certify different types of skills and achievements. The Odznaka+ App is available through a web browser for all users, and a mobile app for individual users.

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