A microcredential is a document that proves skills in a specific area, achieved with little effort and based on established standards. Microcredential are usually collected and made available in digital form. Their use is a response to changing learning methods and labor market requirements.
Characteristics of the microcredential
A microcredential is a document that provides evidence of the achievement of skills with a low volume of work in a specific area. Skills are verified on the basis of transparent criteria and with the use of established quality assurance standards by institutions, such as schools, universities, educational institutions, NGOs, sports associations and clubs, as well as companies.

The microcredential is the property of the learner and can stand alone or be combined into larger credentials. They can be collected and shared, for example, in digital form. The use of microcredentials is a response to changing education and labor market needs. They indicate that the holder has accumulated a specific area of knowledge, knows and can apply specific concepts in practice, and knows how to perform certain activities. Importantly, the skills that can be confirmed through microcredentials do not have to be acquired through formal education, but in a variety of situations, including self-study, as well as during various types of courses or training.