Microcredentials are not a shortcut
In the United States, there is a growing trend of eliminating the requirement for a college diploma in job recruitment. Instead, the focus is shifting towards candidates’ competences that align with the actual needs of the labour market. This shift highlights the increasing importance of various methods of skill validation, such as microcredentials. Could Poland be facing a similar change? Does it mean that a university diploma will lose its value?
Read on and find out:
- Where in the USA jobs will no longer require a college diploma?
- Will formal education no longer matter to American employers?
- Is this tendency going to spread to other countries, including Poland?
- Could microcredentials replace traditional diplomas and be eventually considered as a shortcut?
Competences instead of diplomas
Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California, announced at the end of 2024 the introduction of the so-called ‘Master Plan for Career Education’. The project’s main objective is to free 62,000 public sector jobs in California from the need for a college degree. Additionally, the plan includes:
- introducing a new digital ‘career passport’ that will consist of information about grades, certificates, microcredentials, verified skills and other credentials earned outside of universities,
- creating a forum for schools, training companies and employers to assess labour market trends and needs, aligning curricula with the demand for specific skills,
- enabling approximately 30,000 veterans to turn their service experience into college credits.
The initiative being implemented in California is not the only one of its kind in the USA. Similar efforts are underway in 20 states, reflecting the broader national trend. According to the Governor, the goal is twofold: first, to expand the talent pool in hiring by hiring individuals, who, for various reasons, did not complete a university degree; and second, to provide better and more fulfilling opportunities for those without higher education diplomas.
All of this will be made possible by shifting the focus to specific skills possessed by job candidates rather than the degrees they have obtained. Quoted by the portal Higher ED Dive, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox openly criticised the degree requirements as prioritising ‘a piece of paper’ over ‘demonstrated competence.’
Educational background is still valuable
The authorities of American universities hold a different view on this matter, expressing concerns that such initiatives may further decrease young Americans’ interest in pursuing higher education. However, as stated in the aforementioned portal Higher ED Dive, education and policy experts believe that even if education requirements are lowered, employers will continue to evaluate whether candidates have a university degree:
‘Higher education certainly isn’t perfect, but we have a lot of reason to believe that degrees command a wage premium because graduates develop a range of broad and targeted skills that are really useful for developing strong careers,’ claims higher education expert Ben Wildavsky in the Higher ED Dive article.
Initiatives like the one in California aim to provide opportunities for individuals who, for various reasons, have not completed a university degree but possess a wide range of skills acquired through work experience, self-learning, or professional courses. These individuals may be fully capable of performing higher-prestige jobs than their formal education would traditionally allow. However, such initiatives are by no means intended to undermine the importance of higher education, which will continue to play a decisive role in recruitment processes for many professions.
Poland is on the right track
As the USA is implementing initiatives to diminish the central role of college degrees in recruitment processes, Poland is just starting to explore the topic. The debate revolves around concerns that academic diplomas do not allow for an adequate differentiation of candidates; they are also increasingly insufficient to meet the current needs of the job market.
Efforts are also underway to implement and promote tools – both in education and the job market – that allow for more precise verification of candidates’ specific skills. It is important to emphasise that these tools are intended to complement existing information about their qualifications. The concerns expressed by representatives of American universities – concerns that Polish academic authorities may share – that formal education will lose its significance are unfounded. Solutions such as microcredentials, which validate specific competences and help build a more complete picture of an individual’s abilities, certify shorter learning experiences and distinct, highly targeted skills.
‘It is crucial to underline the fact that microcredentials are not a shortcut to obtaining a dream profession or job. Many jobs require and will require a university diploma. However, the introduction of classes, courses and additional trainings that are certified is a perfect way of specialisation and individualisation of career paths. We see great potential in microcredentials for individuals looking to change careers or fill skill gaps in their current roles. This is particularly relevant for those seeking to re-enter the job market after an extended break,’ says Michał Nowakowski, leader of the microcredentials project conducted by the Educational Research Institute – National Research Institute (IBE BIP).
It is vital to remember that, thanks to microcredentials, continuous skill development, self-development and education – everything that contributes to lifelong learning – will gain in significance. Furthermore, acquiring microcredentials requires meeting specific requirements. The current project on microcredentials being developed and implemented by the Educational Research Institute – National Research Institute in Poland places significant focus on issues related to quality and the highest standards for creating and awarding microcredentials.
- https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-12-16/no-college-degree-no-worries-newsom-unveils-plan-for-well-paying-job-with-out-one
- https://www.highereddive.com/news/california-nixes-degree-requirements-for-30k-state-jobs/735828/
- https://microcredentials.pl/kierunek-jakosc-mikroposwiadczen/
- https://microcredentials.pl/budujemy-polski-standard-mikroposwiadczen/