Mikropoświadczenia to nie droga na skróty - na pierwszym planie studentka trzymająca w dłoniach notatniki, za nią grupa studentów i studentek oraz budynek uczelni.

Microcredentials are not a shortcut

In the United States, there is a growing trend of eliminating the requirement for a college diploma in job recruitment. Instead, the focus is shifting towards candidates’ competences that align with the actual needs of the labour market. This shift highlights the increasing importance of various methods of skill validation, such as microcredentials. Could Poland […]
Read more: Microcredentials are not a shortcut
Mikropoświadczenia - grafika pokazująca ludzi przechodzących nad przepaścią, w które umieszczono ludzką dłoń pomagającą im przedostać się na drugą stronę.

Microcredentials – a tool that supports continuous development

An increasingly fast-changing world requires us to continuously upgrade our skills. Already in 2020, the World Economic Forum reported that 50% of the world's workforce will need to re-skill by 2025. This statement is becoming a fact – if we want to be competitive in the labour market, we need to constantly develop our skills. This is fostered by the trend, which has been progressing for several years in Europe, of confirming various skills, even small ones.
Read more: Microcredentials – a tool that supports continuous development
Mikropoświadczenia a rynek pracy - rysunek pokazujący dwoje ludzi, kobietę i mężczyznę, biegnących po rozwijanych białych ścieżkach. Ścieżkę mężczyzny rozwija duża dłoń w garniturze, kobieta wytycza swoją samodzielnie.

Microcredentials – a response of education to labour market needs

Are microcredentials an opportunity to change approaches to modern education? The role they can play in the face of changing labour market demands and ways of implementing new forms of skills validation were discussed by international experts gathered at the webinar "Bridging the gap – How countries are using microcredentials to reshape the workforce," held on February 14, 2024 at the initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Read more: Microcredentials – a response of education to labour market needs