Mikropoświadczenia dla studentów. Uśmiechnięta studentka, w jednej ręce trzymająca teczki i notatniki, drugą pokazująca uniesiony w górę kciuk.

Microcredentials for students

For students, microcredentials are an opportunity to validate extra-curricular learning that serves to develop interests and acquire new, specific skills. How should microcredentials be approached to make the most of their potential while studying? Read on and you will learn: Microcredentials – a complement to traditional education Traditional education is not always enough to meet […]
Read more: Microcredentials for students
Zawody, w których najłatwiej znaleźć pracę - obraz przedstawiający kobietę, z której głowy wyrasta stos różnokolorowych papierów., niektóre powoli z niej opadają. Kobieta siedzi przy biurku, na którym leżą kolejne dokumenty, zeszyty i notesy.

In search of specialists. In which professions is it easiest to find a job in Poland?

According to data from Statistics Poland, the level of unemployment in Poland is quite low, and there are many indications that the labor market situation has stabilized. However, not everywhere and not in every profession. There are still many professions in which many candidates with very similar qualifications apply for the same position. On the […]
Read more: In search of specialists. In which professions is it easiest to find a job in Poland?
Ścieżki rozwoju - zdjęcie młodej, uśmiechniętej dziewczyny ze słuchawkami w uszach, trzymającej w dłoniach smartfon

Paths can vary, but continuous development is for everyone

This year's high school graduates are now making key decisions - what will I do next, who shall I be in the future, what kind of work will I do? This is all the more difficult today because, due to rapid technological changes, they are hearing that some professions may cease to exist tomorrow, and sooner or later, many will have to retrain. Nevertheless, research tells us that young people are optimistic about their future careers. What possible paths do they have? How can microcredentials help with this?
Read more: Paths can vary, but continuous development is for everyone
Mikropoświadczenia - grafika pokazująca ludzi przechodzących nad przepaścią, w które umieszczono ludzką dłoń pomagającą im przedostać się na drugą stronę.

Microcredentials – a tool that supports continuous development

An increasingly fast-changing world requires us to continuously upgrade our skills. Already in 2020, the World Economic Forum reported that 50% of the world's workforce will need to re-skill by 2025. This statement is becoming a fact – if we want to be competitive in the labour market, we need to constantly develop our skills. This is fostered by the trend, which has been progressing for several years in Europe, of confirming various skills, even small ones.
Read more: Microcredentials – a tool that supports continuous development